Born in Brno-Židenice, Moravia, he lived briefly in Polná, but was raised in the Nymburk brewery as the manager's stepson. Hrabal received a Law degree from Prague's Charles University, and lived in the city from the late 1940s on. He lived at 24 Na Hrázi Street in Prague - Libeň; the house does not exist any more. He worked as a manual laborer alongside Vladimír Boudník in the Kladno ironworks in the 1950s, an experience which inspired the "hyper-realist" texts he was writing at the time.
It's interesting how young poets think of death while old fogies think of girls. — Bohumil Hrabal in Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age
Bohumil Hrabal embodies as no other the fascinating Prague. He couples people's humor to baroque imagination. — Milan Kundera.
To spend our days betting on three-legged horses with beautiful names — Bohumil Hrabal [1]
Closely Watched Trains, translated by Edith Pargeter with a foreword by Josef Škvorecký, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1995
Cutting It Short; The Little Town Where Time Stood Still, London: Abacus, 1993
Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1995
The Death of Mr Baltisberger, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975
Closely Observed Trains: A Film by Jiří Menzel and Bohumil Hrabal, London: Lorrimer Publishing Ltd, 1971
Closely Watched Trains: A Film, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971
I Served the King of England, translated by Paul Wilson New York: Vintage International, 1990
Too Loud a Solitude, translated by Michael Henry Heim, San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990
Total Fears: Letters to Dubenka, translated by James Naughton, Prague: Twisted Spoon Press, 1998
In House Weddings
"Pirouettes on a Postage Stamp." translated by David Short
[edit] In Czech (first editions)
Ztracená ulička, Nymburk: Hrádek, 1948
Perlička na dne, Prague: CS, 1963.
Pábitelé, Prague: MF, 1964.
Taneční hodiny pro starší a pokročilé, Prague: CS, 1964.
Ostře sledované vlaky, Prague: CS, 1965.
Inzerát na dům, ve kterém už nechci bydlet. Prague: MF, 1965.
Morytáty a legendy, Prague: CS, 1968.
Domácí úkoly, Úvahy a rozhovory. Prague: MF, 1970.
Poupata, Prague: MF, 1970, confiscated and burnt by the Communist regime
Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále, Prague: Petlice, 1971 (secret anti-Communist publishing house)
Něžný barbar, Prague: Petlice, 1973 (secret anti-Communist publishing house); Exile edition: Index, Koeln, 1981.
Postřižiny, Prague: Petlice, 1974 (secret anti-Communist publishing house)
Městečko, kde se zastavil čas, Prague: Petlice, 1974 (secret anti-Communist publishing house); Exile Edition: Comenius, Innsbruck, 1978.
Příliš hlučná samota (Too Loud a Solitude), Prague: Ceska expedice 1977 (secret anti-Communist publishing house); Exile edition: Index, Koeln, 1980.
Slavnosti sněženek, Prague: CS, 1978.
Krasosmutnění, Prague: CS, 1979.
Harlekýnovy milióny, Prague: CS, 1981.
Kluby poezie, Prague: MF, 1981.
Domácí úkoly z pilnosti, Prague: MF, 1982.
Život bez smokingu, Prague: CS, 1986.
Svatby v domě, Prague: Pražská imaginace, 1986 (secret anti-Communist publishing house); Exile edition: 68 Publishers, Toronto, 1987.
Vita nuova, Prague: Pražská imaginace, 1986 (secret anti-Communist publishing house); Exile edition: 68 Publishers, Toronto, 1987.
Proluky, Prague: Petlice, 1986 (secret anti-Communist publishing house) Exile edition: 68 Publishers, Toronto, 1986.
Kličky na kapesníku, Prague: Pražská imaginace, 1987 (secret anti-Communist publishing house)
Listopadový uragán, Prague: Tvorba, 1990.
Ponorné říčky, Prague: Pražská imaginace, 1991.
Růžový kavalír, Prague: Pražská imaginace, 1991.
Aurora na mělčině, Prague: Pražská imaginace, 1992.
Večerníčky pro Cassia, Prague: Pražská imaginace, 1993.
Atomová mašina značky Perkeo, sc, Prace, 1991
Bambino di Praga; Barvotisky; Krásná Poldi, Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1990
Básnění, Praha: Pražská imaginace, 1991
Bibliografie dodatky rejstříky, Praha: Pražská imaginace, 1997
Buďte tak hodná, vytáhněte rolety: výbor z milostné korespondence, Praha: Triton, 1999
Chcete vidět Zlatou Prahu?: výbor z povídek, Praha: Mladá fronta, 1989
Já si vzpomínám jen a jen na slunečné dny, Nymburk: S Klos, 1998
Complete works edition in 19 volumes was published in the '90s by Pražská imaginace
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